First Show: David Copperfield
First Film: The Tailor of
Second Film: Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone - Nov. 16, 2001
Third Film: Harry Potter
and The Chamber of Secrets - Nov. 15, 2002
Fourth Film: Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Nov. 2004
Director of HPSS: Chris Columbus
Director of HPCOS: Chris Columbus
Director Of HPPOA: Alfonso Cuaron

In Harry Potter and The Sorcercer's Stone Daniel Radcliffe has put all his effort into this movie. He fits into Harry
Potter so well. Rupert Grint plays Ron weasley,Harry's best friend. Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger,the know-it-all. As
for Chris Columbus,he has been very faithful to the book.

This is such a cute picture! (in my opinion)